I changed the name of the blog to 'PS...', and I don't like it much more than the old one (for the life of me, I can't remember why I liked 'ploosa shonz?' - the idea behind it was ok, but juheezus it sounded pretentious and namby-pamby). But there's a certain cost to be expected to changing a title; not in traffic in my case, but in dedication. It seems vaguely spineless to stick my albeit tiny flag in the dirt and yawp, only to pick it up and shift it. So be it. I think most of my problem is a total lack of direction of this thing. I like the accumulating heft of this location, and I enjoy posting and tweaking here and there, I just don't otherwise care that much. I haven't committed myself to creating something in particular, so it's ended up being yet another bloggy keyhole to
the Blob. Well, I'll work on that, but in the mean time I still need a title (Mean Time was a working title for an unfinished book about one of my cruises in the Navy - the idea doesn't really apply here, though).
A certain blogger took the only title I'd easily associate with (albeit after graciously asking me loooong before I had any idea what he was talking about), and nothing else springs to mind. Any ideas?
One idea just occurred to me: I'll replace the short-lived 'PS...' (if you blinked, you missed it - this post was meant only to announce the change to PS...) with 'Name this Blog' until you do, actually, name this blog. If you don't I will. Don't make me do it.