bee oh oh, aych oh oh.
Election Year + Non Issue(Minor Annoyance that Everyone Agrees On) = Politicans and Newspapermen Knocking Each Other Over to Hype a HUGE Issue
High gasoline prices in the US? Nonsense. Suck it up. Supply and demand, and a bit of speculation amidst a not completely stable world stage (and regardless of the Middle East, the supply side of that equation is just going to get greater; thanks China). Believe it or not, signing a petition is second only to starting one on the list of useless actions to take when trying to react to higher gasoline prices.
Here's a simple comparison of prices in US and Europe.
Here's a nice post from Smithers on the situation.
And to soothe any incensed, vein-swelling indignance you may have at those bastards who're lining their pockets, take a look at oil industry profit percentages (that's cents on each dollar sold) compared to a couple of others:
Autmobiles 1.1
Apparel 6.6
Oil 7.6
All U.S. Industry Average 7.9
Real Estate 8.9 (talk about no-value-added middlemen)
Semiconductors 14.6
Software 17
Pharmaceuticals 18.6
Banks 19.6
I'm no fan of the oil industry, but direct your ire to the bankers first (almost 20 cents profit on every dollar you pay them), and work your way down the list until you get to the sector that pays you. Once you get there, sell your SUV, bike to work (or at least carpool), smile, and shut the hell up.
High gasoline prices in the US? Nonsense. Suck it up. Supply and demand, and a bit of speculation amidst a not completely stable world stage (and regardless of the Middle East, the supply side of that equation is just going to get greater; thanks China). Believe it or not, signing a petition is second only to starting one on the list of useless actions to take when trying to react to higher gasoline prices.
Here's a simple comparison of prices in US and Europe.
Here's a nice post from Smithers on the situation.
And to soothe any incensed, vein-swelling indignance you may have at those bastards who're lining their pockets, take a look at oil industry profit percentages (that's cents on each dollar sold) compared to a couple of others:
Autmobiles 1.1
Apparel 6.6
Oil 7.6
All U.S. Industry Average 7.9
Real Estate 8.9 (talk about no-value-added middlemen)
Semiconductors 14.6
Software 17
Pharmaceuticals 18.6
Banks 19.6
I'm no fan of the oil industry, but direct your ire to the bankers first (almost 20 cents profit on every dollar you pay them), and work your way down the list until you get to the sector that pays you. Once you get there, sell your SUV, bike to work (or at least carpool), smile, and shut the hell up.
No way man, oil prices right now are total bullshit and I'm not going to let those terrorists get away with it. It costs me an extra $5 to fill up my Civi every week. That's an extra $240 a year! With that kind of extra money in my pocket I could almost afford to go to Starbucks once a week!
*David Cross impersonating W voice*
The terrorists... they hate our coffee.
wfhlwcch - sandwich with mayo, cheese, and those plastic baseballs that have holes in them
What?!? The RealEstate industry is raping the common consumer? C'mon!
I, personally, am more than happy to pay an outrageous commission to my "hard working" realtor and then get squeezed a little harder when that realtor makes even more of my cash by sending me to their own title company since I am incapable of informed decisions...
It's always gotta be about the corruption in the real estate/title insurance industry with you, doesn't it?
And hey, aren't you the Vice President of a title insurance company AND a licensed real estate broker? hmmm...
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