Jul 21, 2006

A new industry emerges?

From craigslist:

Wanted URGENTLY: Best Man for wedding in Holyoke, MA (Sun 11th)

Date: 2006-06-09, 5:13AM EDT

Wedding Date: Sun 11th June 2006

Ok, so I'm backing out on my cousin last minute, and I before I do it, I need someone lined up to take my place, because I'm not sure that he'll be able to find someone at such short notice.

Pay is $200+ (negotiable), plus a night in the hotel in question (I'll sacrafice my room there for the right candidate).

You MUST have comprehensive experience in this position, have a TUX (because the one I have might not fit you), and have transport to and from the locations (to be divulged to selected candidate, but it's in Holyoke).

Email me with a few pictures (preferably in a tux at a wedding, in the Best Man role) and brief history of experience in this position, and a telephone number where I can contact you.

This will be a one time contract job. You will be required to be available during the entire day, from 9am until 12am (perhaps even until 2am). You will be required to make a speech and fulfill other customary duties normally executed by the best man at weddings. If you happen to find a beautiful woman to dance the night away with, that's fine, so long as the aforementioned duties are fulfilled in their entirety and in a satisfactory manner.

Due to the sensitivity of this position, and the short time available, please only apply if you are sincere, clinically sane & stable and experienced.


  • Job location is Holyoke, MA
  • Compensation: I'd like to get this done for $200, but it's negotiable.
  • This is a contract job.
  • yes -- OK for recruiters to contact this job poster.
  • no -- Please, no phone calls about this job!
  • no -- Please do not contact job poster about other services, products or commercial interests.
  • yes -- Reposting this message elsewhere is OK.

What strikes me about the whole ad is that the ex-best man walks the tightrope of responsible employer and potentially disastrous absurdity with clear panache. No updated info was available; I hope it either worked out when a model-quality med student from the top of his class offered a speech that made the maid of honor cry and leave her deadbeat boyfriend for him or went horribly awry when his meds wore off and he imagined the bride was on fire while trying violently to avoid touching anyone lest their space germs get on him.


Blogger Unknown said...

Damnit, if only I'd seen the ad sooner. I have experience!

10:25 AM  

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