ooooh, baaabyyy, I loooove you...

Estimated 0-60 in 4 seconds.
*sweaty palms*
Top speed over 130 mph.
*increasing heart rate*
Handling based on Lotus Elise.
*shortness of breath*
250 mile range.
*ohhhh yeahhh*
I have a child on the way. I wonder if a healthy white baby fetches the sticker price?
UPDATE: It hit 130 mph in a test drive, confirming at least one of the above projections... MAN I hope that baby (white or whatever) has all its appendages and a face that can fetch $89K.
How very presumptuous of you to assume that your future child will be white.
ooh, good point. Screw it, either way I'm getting me that car.
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