Apr 3, 2007

OK, once more: green is good

If this doesn’t scare the hell out of you, I’m curious to know what in the world you like about this blog. From Science Against Evolution, via Strange Maps (a very cool blog for cartophiles):
The wonderfully illustrative icing on the cake, from Strange Maps:
This map is taken from the website Science Against Evolution, which quite cleverly tries to win the debate for creation by arguing that the theory of evolution itself has been discredited by scientific evidence and by numerous scientists. However, the map is drawn up by a proponent of evolution, as can be deduced from the remarks on the map and even its colours (green is good, red is bad).
Morons. If you can’t make your own color-appropriate map to support your stance, you’re not smart enough to have your own theory about the origin of species. Go back to Afghanistan, or whatever smugly ignorant burg you inhabit.


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