May 30, 2007

fotD 14

This is a hybrid observation/cheer:

We're considering private Montessori school for our daughter. When I asked at each of the three schools about computer training, I was disappointed to find out that it is perfunctory at best. At the third, and otherwise best school, I couldn't have missed the administrator's condescension, as if I'd suggested we teach nothing but Intro to Excel at a liberal arts college.

None of the three seem to recognize the astonishing potential of information and communication technologies, and I fear they're inculcating their students with the same derision for them. I imagine kids being kids they'll get past a lot of that, but they'll also miss out on thinking about networks, peer to peer models, and information sharing if they only chat and go to myspace on their own. Every day I come across something that makes me wish I was in high school again, with nothing but time to explore this explosion of opportunity that is more and more truly only limited by one's imagination.

Regardless, I thought of this because flickr is down (I was going there to join a group based on Moo cards) and when I was directed to their blog for info I came across these stats that speak of nothing more than immersion:
  • Our networking gear moves 12,000 photos a second -- at peak, that's 2,654,208,000 bits each second (8:20 PM)
  • We set an all-time upload record yesterday: 2,070,075 photos in 24 hours! (8:40 PM)
  • The Flickrverse has 8.5 million registered members (9:00 PM)
And here's the fotD copied from that blog post. I'm looking forward to seeing the big version once flickr's back up:


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