May 5, 2007

It's about time...

...someone recognizes my far-from-averageness.

When I checked my friends section of Netflix, it told me that a friend and I "liked Brokeback Mountain a lot more than most people. You're definitely far from average!"

*all warm and fuzzy and Sally-Field-ish* They noticed!

I suppose this kind of clumsy pandering is inevitable as orgs try to push the data they have through limited utilities to make me feel both good about myself and grateful to them for noticing. Look for more along the lines of:

"You put 'Infinite Jest' in your wishlist! Everyone thinks you're really smart!" - Amazon

"We see that you bought that one and only super popular song from the White Stripes and the rest are teenage bubblegum from the 90s: everyone is secretly jealous of you. Would you like free podcasts from Mitt Romney?" - Apple

"You surf more porn than a 14-year-old boy on a snow day. You... are a total... stud." - Google


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