Calling Barack
Here's how bad an idea Coal to Liquid (CTL) gasoline is: at absolute best, by capturing and sequestering the CO2 produced in the liquification process and using renewable energy sources for production, we could see a 6% reduction in the net amount of greenhouse-gases (GHG) produced by our vehicles. At worst, with no CCS and using coal electricity, expect to see a 60% jump in the accumulated GHGs coming out of your tailpipe (according to this Carnegie Mellon study via Treehugger). Compare how straight CTL compares to oil-based gasoline:

Instead of sponsoring a bill whose intent is to appear green while catering to powerful coal interests and doing something to increase U.S. energy independence, why not cut out the middle-man, in this case the gasification process? Promote plug-in or hybrid electric vehicles, power them with good old non-boat-rocking coal electricity, and keep special interests happy through the election year while still promoting energy independence. Detroit will follow the market - they may get shellacked for the first couple of years it takes to start building hybrids en masse, but they'll catch up quick. This disadvantage is the only reason I see that anyone would even bother going down the CTL road, and that support of the failing status quo flies in the face of Obama's carefully groomed image of the audacious solver of problems.
If I hadn't already lost most of my hair, just thinking about the government's love affairs with CTL and ethanol would do the trick.
Make a note, Senator: Lisa Murkowski (R-AK) co-sponsoring your bill isn't an indicator of bipartisanship, it's an indicator that you're doing something seriously wrong.
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