quality info overload
I use an RSS reader to keep up with what's going on in the world (kinda. I only have one traditional news source on it, so your definition of 'keep up' may be different from mine): Bloglines. Love it.
The problem is, I find so many things interesting (some would call it neurotically unable to focus) and there's so much available that I can never have even a remotely clean blogroll. It was in this context that I thought to myself, 'I'll just take a quick scan through these 39 new posts from Balloon Juice and then move on to the Tour de France stuff that I REALLY want to read.' Fool.
Balloon Juice (I briefly thought of using its acronym, but I don't want this blog to be picked up in certain searches, like those for bad 70s shows with orangutans) can sometimes be overwhelming in its coverage of politics. Not Glenn Greenwald overwhelming, but obvious overwhelming - I agree with much of what's said there, and agree that too many people in power shouldn't be, blah blah blah. Their insight and humor keep me coming back, though, even when I think I'll just read one or two of 39 posts and move on. What I didn't know was that this latest batch would provide me with enough really good reading to put off reading about the Tour for another day. Things like:
Losing the Terror War - "It turns out that half-finishing the war in Afghanistan and then shunting our resources to invade an irrelevant country, and then losing that war, was not the genius strategy for beating terrorism that the White House seems to think it was."
Haditha Case Unraveling - "...It just illustrates why modern armies, constrained (for good reason) by modern rules of conduct, usually lose wars of occupation."
Good News - "Maybe the media isn't interested at (sic) letting Americans know why even 97-0 landslide bills can't make it out of Congress, maybe Democrats can't message."
Noonan on Bush - "I mean, you were OK with the incompetence, the torture, the Schiavo, the lies, and everything else, but now something has bothered you so much you just can't take it anymore?"
One Nation Under God, GODDAMNIT - "Remember who these festering scumbags are when the GOP engages in recreational gay-bashing in a few months to get their votes."
Can't Do Their Damn Jobs - just read it. Holy F-ing Christ.
Calling All Saviors - "It is like trying to drive past a 747 crashed into a train. ...They feel entitled to leaders who reflect their worldview no matter what the real-world consequences."
And also, a link to this post at Kung Fu Monkey, which is just a lot of fun to say.
There's enough really good stuff there to make you put off that other stuff you wanted to do today.
The problem is, I find so many things interesting (some would call it neurotically unable to focus) and there's so much available that I can never have even a remotely clean blogroll. It was in this context that I thought to myself, 'I'll just take a quick scan through these 39 new posts from Balloon Juice and then move on to the Tour de France stuff that I REALLY want to read.' Fool.
Balloon Juice (I briefly thought of using its acronym, but I don't want this blog to be picked up in certain searches, like those for bad 70s shows with orangutans) can sometimes be overwhelming in its coverage of politics. Not Glenn Greenwald overwhelming, but obvious overwhelming - I agree with much of what's said there, and agree that too many people in power shouldn't be, blah blah blah. Their insight and humor keep me coming back, though, even when I think I'll just read one or two of 39 posts and move on. What I didn't know was that this latest batch would provide me with enough really good reading to put off reading about the Tour for another day. Things like:
Losing the Terror War - "It turns out that half-finishing the war in Afghanistan and then shunting our resources to invade an irrelevant country, and then losing that war, was not the genius strategy for beating terrorism that the White House seems to think it was."
Haditha Case Unraveling - "...It just illustrates why modern armies, constrained (for good reason) by modern rules of conduct, usually lose wars of occupation."
Good News - "Maybe the media isn't interested at (sic) letting Americans know why even 97-0 landslide bills can't make it out of Congress, maybe Democrats can't message."
Noonan on Bush - "I mean, you were OK with the incompetence, the torture, the Schiavo, the lies, and everything else, but now something has bothered you so much you just can't take it anymore?"
One Nation Under God, GODDAMNIT - "Remember who these festering scumbags are when the GOP engages in recreational gay-bashing in a few months to get their votes."
Can't Do Their Damn Jobs - just read it. Holy F-ing Christ.
Calling All Saviors - "It is like trying to drive past a 747 crashed into a train. ...They feel entitled to leaders who reflect their worldview no matter what the real-world consequences."
And also, a link to this post at Kung Fu Monkey, which is just a lot of fun to say.
There's enough really good stuff there to make you put off that other stuff you wanted to do today.
As I believe I'm the one who originally pointed you in the direction of Bloglines, I feel compelled to tell you that I've since moved on. Since Google completely revamped (ripped-off) their interface (from Bloglines), I like it much better. They take all of the best things about Bloglines and add in all of their Googley magic to create the superior web-based RSS reader.
*Homer voice* Mmmmm... Goooogley maaagiiic...
So, you saw my LinkedIn and raised me a Google Reader... this battle for the bleeding edge is not over, Lewis. Not by a long shot.
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