Sep 11, 2007

yay for me.

Evidently the average commute for people in the US is somewhere between 100 and 140 hours, which works out to between 24 and 27 minutes each way. In Michigan, which ranked 25th in the 2003 Census measurement, the average is about 23 minutes.

My commute, which I would have figured was average (don't we often tend to believe we're in the big happy majority for the more mundane aspects of our lives?), is a solid 30 minutes - much more with summer construction, but I'm not counting that. That works out to 220 hours of wishing people would just get the hell out of my way every year. *sigh* That's a week more than I get for vacation.

The treehugger article that got me thinking about this is about greening your workplace, which is happily part of my job now. One of their tips is to work four, ten-hour days per week, as it reduces your commuting time by 20%. My organization calls this the 'alternative work schedule' and though we can only skip every other Friday, even a 10% reduction in 220 hours would be nice.

BTW, I fully expect to see a comment taunting me about the 10-minute walking commutes to be had in Monroe.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Along tree lined boulevard streets no doubt. What kind of a jerk would make such remarks?

11:57 AM  

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