No, really, this is the LAST one. We swear. Really.
Blade Runner: The Final Cut is on its way. Even when I was twelve or whatever and saw the original in the theater with my cinematically-lenient dad, I felt a little off about the ending. Where'd all that sunshine come from? I was happy for them that it all worked out, but that was a lot of sunshine, wasn't it? So much there was even a sunroof in the car, wasn't there? How'd such a darkly human android story become a car commercial? No matter, the bulk of the movie was cool, and filed away in my pre-teen brain as such. The director's cut I mostly missed, but now I don't need to bother with it, as Ridley Scott's finally been given some time and funding to do a quality revision. Kurt Loder does a good write-up on the latest last version, but he fails to mention whether we get more of Roy Batty - the biggest reason to watch the movie at all.

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