...we're going to have an election where I can look forward to voting for someone without cringing at the possibility that they lose.
It's so nice to not fear one of the candidates and to not feel pressured to vote between lame and horrible, but just between three fairly good people each with their own minority of flaws.
It's so nice to not fear one of the candidates and to not feel pressured to vote between lame and horrible, but just between three fairly good people each with their own minority of flaws.
I dunno man, I think one of those is a lot worse than the others.
I'll admit, McCain's seeming blindspot on Iraq (maybe due to his 'absence' during the last years of the VietNam war?) has me worried, and given his last few years politically, I wouldn't back him for mayor of Detroit (that's not true, I would, but not for much else). But his willingness to piss of his base repeatedly (evidenced by Buchanan's completely inaccurate and off-the-cuff swipe that even he doesn't believe - read Where the Right Went Wrong) and his demonstrated character don't leave me afraid of him like I am of Bush/Cheney. Even if I don't always agree with him, I think he's probably a decent and effective man who won't hijack the country. Especially with a Democratic Congress. I bet they'd get a lot of good stuff done. And, he has supported a carbon trading system, which is positively radical for the current crop of Republicans.
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