Hmmm... good point, part 2
As a fitting bookend to my post about Defective Yeti's questioning of Christianity's understanding of the beginning of life, Angry Chad asks a good question about the end of it:
I mean what's a few years, or even decades, wait compared to spending eternity together? Shouldn't religious people instead be happy for those who have moved on and are now literally in heaven?
A paraphrase of my comment, which follows other more enlightening comments, on A. Chad's post...
I can't speak for all religious people (or Christians anymore, really, I guess...), but it's pretty common knowledge among evangelicals that heaven for them will be singing praises to god for the rest of eternity. Even someone who digs singing a lot knows that heaven will be lame after about 42 minutes.
Given this scenario, it's easy to understand an evangelical's sadness (for themself and for the other) at death. Not to mention the fact that they know, gold streets and white robes or not, heaven will not be nearly as interesting as hell.
In fact, I've just managed to re-convince myself of one of the myriad reasons why I'm not a christian anymore. Ain't no way I'm going back there until they make up some better shit about heaven.
Go ahead, ask an evangelical what heaven will be like and see if you'd really want that. Heck, ask them if THEY'd really want that! I mean, come on. If you're going to hope in something, make it good, god dammit.
"Even someone who digs singing a lot knows that heaven will be lame after about 42 minutes."
Dude, if I was god, I'd give you an eternity of adventure sports, coffee in Switzerland, and no hunger in the world you'd left behind.
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