I'll spare you from the ranting my long-suffering wife has been audience to for the past few weeks. I can't add anything to the anti-Detroit-mayor conversation that hasn't been said except for my own outrage at the hypocrisy, lying, entitlement, race-baiting, bible-thumping, and general contempt for the people of the area and the law.
That said, how stone stupid do you have to be to text message accomplices about affairs and illegal activity? That alone demonstrates that we're not just dealing with brazen criminals, but flagrantly moronic ones. Their antics are so sophmoric and clumsy, only deep political entrenchment could have covered it up this long. I was talking to a coworker from Chicago about our respective city's corruptions yesterday and at the same time we blurted out, 'At least Chicago works!' I doubt Daley or his father ever considered giving a grey-area-order via email, chat, text, or paper of any kind. Professionals realize these kinds of things are better said via word of mouth; chumps in crooks' clothing text their illegal intentions.
How the hell is this guy still in office? How many hookers does his wife need to bludgeon to death before he gets kicked out?
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