Apr 22, 2008

That's it. Screw 'er.

I'd been happily riding this odd wave of almost-indifference about which Dem gets the nod. I've never been too jazzed about Hillary Clinton, but I honestly haven't known too much about her, and she is obviously smart and capable, though too much of a politico for my taste. Conversely, I've liked Obama a lot, but again, don't know much about him, due in his case to a tremendous lack of experience and a tremendous supply of optimistic but possibly empty rhetoric. So, long story short, I liked one more than the other, wasn't crazy about either, but wouldn't weep if either won.

'Til today, when her campaign took the fearmonger card from Rove's deck and played it without looking back. I'll be sending the Senator from Illinois a check this weekend.

Late update: Add to the pile her anti-intellectual assertion that she won't be listening to any economists or experts, said with a Bush-ian sneer. Ugh. I know that's not how she really feels about smart people, given that she's, um, married to one and has shown she can be one, but that makes the aw-shucks pandering all the more repugnant.


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