Out of left field
There are an unlucky few people in my life that weather my spontaneous ranting more or less in person. This morning Mal sent along an innocent link to an msnbc (MSNBC? - not sure if they're trying to be all internet e.e. cummings cool) report about how few people wear ties to work these days, bonding, if you will, over our shared affliction of working in an office that requires them. He couldn't have seen my reply coming with a telescope:
I uncharacteristically allowed the video you sent to keep playing.
Not sure if you saw what I did, but Brian Williams read a bunch of viewer emails, all lamenting the high costs of gas and food, talking about how their Memorial Day weekends were just ruined by high costs, and how they couldn't enjoy what they have grown accustomed to. Interestingly, all of their descriptions mentioned (and one guy listed with verbose gusto) the meat they like to grill on Memorial Day. I understand the crunch, I really do, but what a bunch of weak, whining fops. Jesus Christ, does no one recognize in much of the American populace the spitting image of King Louie and Henry VIII? What a country of bloated, self-entitled, selfish morons. Do they know what our hunger for ethanol, beef, and fish does to the rest of the world? Women in west Africa line up on market mornings to buy fish heads with which to make soup, fish heads being the only part the West doesn't use and so the only thing those women can afford. And some yokel in Poughkeepsie actually writes in, and is given his say on national news, that he's gonna have to eat 'home made burgers and pop instead of ribeyes, ribs, and beer.' Oh, my heart bleeds for you, you stupid hick. I don't know what I wish happens first, his pulmonary edema or choking on the bun. Humanity has a long way to go, buddy.
I didn't see the thing about the ties, though. I'll have to take your word for it, though I assume it's part of your crazy conspiracy theory, anti-The-Man ranting. It's not wearing the ties I have a problem with, it's pants.

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