Jun 24, 2008


In recent years I haven't had much interest, mainly for the time and money involved for the privledge, in riding in organized bike tours. They have to pretty darn cool. If I want to go on a long ride, get lost and travel down smooth roads that I haven't been down before I can still easily do so and still be able to have money for beer and the afternoon to relax at home....and,maybe, however unlikely, get a project or two completed.
Had I been a little more aware I would have considered the 2008 Pedal Across Lower Michigan. This year the route comes within feet of my house and I had to chuckle at the idea that, after a week of camping, communal toilets and excessive body stench, I would be able to peel off from the group, grab a shower and my cruiser and finish fresh as a daisy and in comfy clothes.


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