
"A stupid man's report of what a clever man says is never accurate, because he unconsciously translates what he hears into something that he can understand."
(posted for Dougie, the big dumb animal, who seems to have lost his password - an email to me describing beer and other behavior illustrating why he'll be going to hell)
2 things…..the beer making was a disastrous success. I was able to bottle 29 out of a possible 53 bottles. I had to mop up 24 bottles after the bottling bucket came crashing to the floor. The concoction seems to be fairly tasty too.
I was flipping through my most recent bicycling mag…The Black Eyed Peas are headlining a concert following "the buddy ride" or something along those lines. I didn't think too much of it until I flipped back a couple a pages and found the ad for this ride…it's to benefit people with diminished intelligence. I laughed.
UPDATE: Doug gave me a couple of bottles the other day - the first one was for tasting, but the second one will be for hoarding. Bubba Pugly Brewery is off to a great start; the beer was distinctive and mighty tasty at the beginning and finish, lots of character and all of it good.
Johnathan Goodwin can get 100 mpg out of a Lincoln Continental, cut emissions by 80%, and double the horsepower. Does the car business have the guts to follow him?*snort* No.
There is alot of people (sic) these days claiming to be genius (sic) and create a vehicle that gets 100MPG. Give our engineers one minute and they will tell you several vehicle (sic) that can do this but we did it back in the 50's (sic, but debatable). Its (sic) when you start applying all the safety features, creature comforts... government standards.... (a sic on all his ellipses, and 'damn guvm'nt!') export requirements.... corporate legal requirements.. oh and you better have a staff of lawyers.. we have several hundred on staff and half again that (sic) on retainer and they are all top of the line lawyers... this all changes the game and if you have a couple BILLION to spare we can build you anything you wish that will work in any corner of the earth under any condition (sic) and come with a 100,000 mile 10 year warranty or if you can go to a LOCAL dealer and chose one of several we have already done for you some for under $12,000 in any color or option configuration you can imagine. If you can only see what goes into these cars or if the average Joe who is knocking the big 3 could see what we do... they would have a whole new outlook and start buying American cars... there is an advantage out there for the offshore companies but the day of that advantage is soon gonna end then we will see who really has it together....riiiight.