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DFW thinks about lobsters and the people who consign them to boiling water.
Two good lines:
Even in the harsh penal environment of early America, some colonies had laws against feeding lobsters to inmates more than once a week because it was thought to be cruel and unusual, like making people eat rats.
As I see it, it probably is good for the soul to be a tourist, even if it's only once in a while. Not good for the soul in a refreshing or enlivening way, though, but rather in a grim, steely-eyed, let's-look-honestly-at-the-facts-and-find-some-way-to-deal-with-them way... As a tourist, you become economically significant but existentially loathsome, an insect on a dead thing.

The first words out of my mouth -- and anyone who was standing near me when I said it can vouch for this -- when I first saw Gov. Palin -- must have been a month ago now -- were "McCain picked Tina Fey?! Yes!!"
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