Feb 16, 2009

It only sucks if you're the co-optee

Even my dental hygienist, a nice lady but not what you'd ever call 'cool,' is on Facebook. Time (about as cool as my hygienist) jots down ten reasons why X-ers are shoving the cool kids away from their social networking table and taking over; flab, mom support groups, twenty-year-old cassette tapes, and all.
There was a time when it was cool to be on Facebook. That time has passed. Facebook now has 150 million members, and its fastest-growing demographic is 30 and up. At this point, it's way cooler not to be on Facebook. We've ruined it for good, just like we ruined Twilight and skateboarding. So git! And while you're at it, you damn kids better get off our lawn too.
What's interesting to watch as our culture really sharpens its Peter Pan chops is how the irrelevant and uncool (read: anyone over 30 with a boring job) are now not passively being left behind as each younger generation adopts and casts off their fads. We're actually wresting those fads away from the younger set, practically forcing them on to redefine cool away from us and (in Facebook's case at least) helping the thing to gain marketabilitty even as it loses bleeding-edge coolness. I can't think of any examples of this happening before, can you?


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