Apr 24, 2008


I have a pillow, I call it snuggle since that is what I do with it when I sleep, I fold it in half, wrap my arms around it, press it under my chin and to my chest and, happily, go to sleep....until last week. On Friday of last week my wife and I brought home our baby boy and that's when my relationship with snuggle changed. In my dreams snuggle becomes my son and I end up trying to change or feed my pillow only to wake frustrated because, no matter how I twist or flip the boy (pillow) I can't find a mouth or diaper. Worst is when I wake still in a dream state with snuggle beneath me.
I was initially concerned about our cats when we brought Max home.....I never thought my pillow would turn against me.

Apr 22, 2008

That's it. Screw 'er.

I'd been happily riding this odd wave of almost-indifference about which Dem gets the nod. I've never been too jazzed about Hillary Clinton, but I honestly haven't known too much about her, and she is obviously smart and capable, though too much of a politico for my taste. Conversely, I've liked Obama a lot, but again, don't know much about him, due in his case to a tremendous lack of experience and a tremendous supply of optimistic but possibly empty rhetoric. So, long story short, I liked one more than the other, wasn't crazy about either, but wouldn't weep if either won.

'Til today, when her campaign took the fearmonger card from Rove's deck and played it without looking back. I'll be sending the Senator from Illinois a check this weekend.

Late update: Add to the pile her anti-intellectual assertion that she won't be listening to any economists or experts, said with a Bush-ian sneer. Ugh. I know that's not how she really feels about smart people, given that she's, um, married to one and has shown she can be one, but that makes the aw-shucks pandering all the more repugnant.

Sooo not worthy

Two bad things: haven't posted in over a month and I can't remember the last time I rode my road bike.

Three good things: posting now before I jump (okay, drag myself) back into studying, I at least rode my mtn bike with kids and trailer four days ago, and some profiles of long-distance tourers on adventurecycling.org. Very cool.

M met a local guy today named McWinter who rode his bike from West Virginia to San Francisco, which bests my longest by about two thousand miles, and he told her about the site.

Check out this guy:

John Hathaway
over 110,000 miles since 1953
two world records
six continents
52 countries
broken hip
broken back
two compressed vertebrae